The encoded evaluation of the input consistency polynomial at the secret point (The query vector for the linear combination of the inputs).
The elliptic curve used in the proof system: bn128, bls12381, goldilocks [default: bn128].
The number of public inputs for the zk-SNARK.
The protocol used in the proof system: groth16 or plonk.
An element of the verification key, corresponding to the encoded evaluation of polynomial A(x)
at the secret point (The alpha vector in G1).
An element of the verification key, often used to encode a pre-computed element for efficiency (The alpha * beta value in GT).
An element of the verification key, corresponding to the encoded evaluation of polynomial B(x)
at the secret point (The beta vector in G2).
An element of the verification key, often used to encode a normalizing factor in the proof (The delta vector in G2).
An element of the verification key, often used to encode the combination of A(x)
, B(x)
, and C(x)
(The gamma vector in G2).
Generated using TypeDoc
This type represents a verification key data object in a zk-SNARK system, as generated by SNARKJS.